Throughout the exhibition our members are running a series of FREE workshops. These workshops are NOT available to book, please arrive before the workshop start time to secure your place.

Friday 4 April, 11.30 to 3.30 (one hour lunch break)

Vivienne Beaumont - Portraits for Stitch

Explore drawing methods to produce self-portraits with energy and confidence. Monoprint your favourite drawing onto a fabric collage ready for stitch. All materials supplied.

10 students (age 12+)

Tuesday 8 April, 11.30 to 1.30

Ross Belton - Mark Making: Experimental Brushes & Botanical Inks

Make your own experimental brushes from recycled materials and explore their mark making potential. How to make natural inks will be explained before creating your own experimental brushes, followed by a series of mark making exercises. Using natural and recycled materials to create these brushes - anything can be used from garden refuse, kitchen plastics to sea salvage. Experimental brushes free you from traditional ways of drawing and can produce random and unexpected results. You are welcome to collect a selection of your own materials to use during this workshop.

12 students (age 18+)

Friday 11 April, 11.30 to 1.30

Maria Walker - Mindful Stitching: Visible Mending

Learn how to use simple running stitch and fabric scraps to create beautiful textured surfaces which can be used to make patches to visibly mend your garments or to make other items such as rice bags, mats, or coasters. All materials and equipment will be provided but participants are welcome to bring their own hand sewing kit, embroidery threads, fabric scraps, pieces of denim fabric and garments with holes or tears etc.

15 students (age 14+ or younger is accompanied by an adult 1 to1)

Saturday 12 April, 2.30 to 4.30

Nerissa Cargill Thompson - Textured Textiles from Recycled Materials

Explore some simple hand stitched methods of creating textures through manipulation, stitch, and embellishment. The workshop will use recycled old clothing and household fabrics, old jewellery, and plastic waste. All materials supplied

12 students (age 12+ and/or 10+ if accompanied by an adult 1 to 1)

Sunday 13 April, 2.30 to 4.30

Wolfgang Woerner - Exploring 3D shapes with hand embroidery

If you have been inspired by Wolfgang’s mystical creatures and the other exhibits in the PRISM Any Other Business exhibition, come and explore different hand stitch techniques creating marks and textures across 3D shapes. All materials supplied

Age 18+